Fund of Funds for Outsourcers (OCIO’s)
Fund of Funds (FoF) structures can be complex to administer and manage at scale for Outsourcers and other FoF providers due to the many layers in the FoF structure, multiple different rebalancing methods, different charging structures, different valuation points across geographies, sophisticated switching processes and the different trade order management approaches required by fund managers.
FoF structures are also used by European life and pensions companies in unit-linked funds, US life and annuity companies in separate accounts, Australian providers of FoF for Superannuation investment and more generally, asset managers and pension providers offering Target Date Funds, Lifestyle funds and funds for Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution (DB/DC) pension schemes.
Outsourcers and other providers of FoF structures can automate all the above complexities and reduce costs and operational risk with InvestPro

Set and automate investment rebalancing

Maintains hierarchical structure

Add new fund of funds and new levels with ease

Trusted by 150,000+ funds
Key Benefits
Boost Investment administration efficiencies, reduce operational costs and mitigate risk

- Maintain asset allocation ratios in the FoF structure
- Automate multiple rebalancing methods
- Automate the calculation of unit values/prices
- Automate trade order management, confirmations and settlements
- Aggregate trade orders
- Automate complex interfund charging structures and charge rebates
- Automate complex switching transactions between funds
- Real-time oversight
- End-to-end solution
Other Key Features
Asset Valuations Unit Pricing and NAV Fund Performance PRIIPs Reconciliations Charges Cash Allocation and Rebalancing Trade Order Management General Ledger Tax AccrualsAsset Valuations
What it does for you
- Produce lightning fast valuations
- All major asset classes covered
- Inbuilt links to external data providers
- Exception based automation increases operational efficiency.
- Full drill-down records of past valuations as standard
- All fund structures covered, flat, tiered and a combination of both
Unit Pricing and NAV
What it does for you
- Market data interfaces to all major providers
- All major asset classes covered
- Full audit trail and history of records of past valuations
- Exception based reporting
- Accounting for asset disposals on the first-in first out or average cost basis
- Complex fund charging structures
- Allowance for UK ‘I-E’ taxation provisions for life funds
- Multiple valuations on a single date to fulfil separate requirements, e.g. regulatory reporting and unit pricing
Fund Performance
What it does for you
- Accurate fund performance straight from the investment database
- Auditable record of all fund performance calculations
- Reduce operational risks using spreadsheet macros
- Data modelling visualisations to facilitate comprehension of fund performance
- Effortless sharing of all performance calculations
- Comprehensive graphical analysis of fund performance and risk metrics
- Uncover detailed financial insights to help leverage assets and gain more profit
What it does for you
- Automate KID production in a controlled environment
- Covers direct funds, fund of funds and single and regular premium PRIIPs
- Exception based processing to reduce risk
- Data analytics on the PRIIPs dataset
- Produces additional point of sale material
- Pre and post-sale PRIIPs including KID charges calculations
What it does for you
- Reduce operational risk across investment administration
- Verified asset positions for robust reporting
- Independent checks on trading functions
- Matches multiple banks to system transactions
- Find data exceptions before they become financial problems
What it does for you
- Automatic calculation of complex fee management structures
- Remove the risk of manual and offline charge calculations
- Display charges clearly on valuation statements
- Extensive reporting capability to meet regulatory requirements
- Comply with MiFID II cost and charges
- Calculates IDD charges and generates PRIIPs and KIDs
Cash Allocation and Rebalancing
What it does for you
- Integrates with business systems to capture customer fund requests
- Manage higher volumes of funds with little increase in time or staff cost
- Convert unit/share in fund of funds movements easily
- Synchronised timing of trade execution and unit creation
- Create new shares/units in collective funds directly from client cashflows
- Algorithmic calculation of trade orders and automatic placement of trades to market
- Implicit and explicit box management functionality for all funds
- Configurable compliance rules ensure allocations are checked before approval
- Automated Model Portfolio rebalancing and risk monitoring settings
Trade Order Management
What it does for you
- Manage the entire trading life cycle efficiently
- Automated order management processing reduces errors
- Customisable workflows for different security categories
- Links to major trading platforms and settlement counterparties
- All trading stages and processes are user configurable
- Alerts, rule breaches and management information analytics for increased oversight
General Ledger
What it does for you
- Full general ledger with a chart of accounts for all the investment activity of client companies
- Integration with main accounting systems for efficient population of corporate financial systems
- Reduce operational risk with daily reconciliation of your accounts
- Generate financial statements for portfolio balance sheets and revenue accounts
- Financial statements are continually checked and recorded within the audit logs
Tax Accruals
What it does for you
- Increase the accuracy of tax accruals with automation
- Meet TCF and ABI guidelines
- Comply with new rules for CGT tax for non-UK residents
- Improve profit analysis by aligning policyholder and company taxation
- Avoid undue credits to policyholders for tax losses
- Reduce risk with a robust audit trail
Schedule a Live Demo
Need more information or want to arrange a demo of InvestPro? Contact our team today and we will be happy to help!