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Insurance Investor Live- North America, New York
Tom Patterson, VP of Sales for FRS is excited to attend the Insurance Investor Live, North America event in New
11th Fund Summit 2024, Sydney
FRS is delighted to sponsor the 11th Fund Summit 2024, in Sydney.
Middle East Wealth Xchange Industry Summit 2024, Dubai.
FRS is excited to sponsor and present at the Middle East Wealth Xchange Conference 2024
12th Post Retirement Conference 2024, Sydney
FRS is delighted to sponsor and present at the IBR Conferences 12th Post Retirement Conference 2024
IFoA Life Conference 2024 – Manchester
Frank Carr and David Kenny are delighted to attend the 2024 IFoA Life Conference in November, in Manchester.
Association of Financial Mutuals Annual Conference 2024, Nottingham
FRS is attending the AFM Annual Conference 2024, which will be held in Nottingham.
BILTIR Conference 2024, Bermuda
FRS is attending the Bermuda International Long Terms Insurers and Reinsurers Annual Conference 2024. 
Insurance Investor Live | Europe 2024, London
FRS will attend the 2024 Insurance Investor Live Europe event in London.
ABI Insurance Tax Convention 2024, Brighton
FRS is attending the ABI Insurance Tax Convention 2024.
Hartford Innovation Week 2024
FRS is excited to be hosting an event as part of Hartford Innovation Week 2024.
Investment Operations Challenges Forum 2024, Sydney
FRS is proud to sponsor the IBR Conferences Investment Operations Challenges Forum 2024.
Annual Future Fund Admin 2024, Sydney
FRS is delighted to sponsor the IBR Conferences 7th Annual Future Fund Admin Forum 2024.

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